Learning Pod: #3

Peers’ Names: Yufei Mai, Rick Kuang, Zhenshang Sun, Zhongbao Ji

Interactive Learning Resource Topic: Learning Strategies for Successful Completion of Online Courses

Link: Welcome to the Skills Enhancement Cl classroom ! (canva.com)

Overview: The Pod 3 course was a nice easy to read class that didn’t drag on into too much detail. I think it was a great length to have four structured modules that told the student exactly what needed to be done. The course is well structured, keeps the audience engaged, and provides a great amount of resources that do the job and don’t over complicate. Great presentation of material and fun to cycle through.

Identify components of the Interactive Learning Resource that might be missing (e.g., appropriate outcomes, alignment, interactivity, inclusivity, technology use and rationale, presentation, grammar, spelling, citations, etc.).

Strengths: I really liked how there was a different teacher for each module, it seemed like each one had a personalized touch and you felt more engaged due to the introductions. Furthermore, how each teacher used their personal experience and independent strengths made me have more belief in the material. The Canva visuals were very good, pop-ups of the pictures and use of colors kept me engaged. Having the little people made a big difference for me too, online courses can be hard to stay engaged in, but seeing names and a little person figure was enough for me to see a person teaching me. I think that the descriptions for the videos are a small but effective touch, it gives you a small breakdown of why it’s important and what you are going to learn. I did like how each module was different, it made you feel like you were learning a completely new thing and it held its own value. I think the use of reflection assignments is a great easy way for students to interact, as well as the instructors to seek better judgment in how the course is doing and its effects on the students. I think the idea of active participation and holding standards is a great and effective way to keep the students engaged with the material. 

Weaknesses: Might need to capitalize “classroom” in the opening title, I’d suggest you spread out the wordy slide “concise definition” into two or three separate slides. Lasty, I think it’s lacking a wrap-up/transition to the next module.

Provide general, specific, and practical recommendations to your peers on how to improve their Interactive Learning Resources.

Things To Consider: Like the weaknesses, ill go into a little more detail of things I suggest! The one thing I don’t think that was touched on was the weighting of the course. There were great descriptions in the concise definition and the breakdown of the modules but it might be important for students to grasp how much each thing matters for the course. I know it’s a self-directed type course, however, having structured break-downs for the weighting of the reflections and projects can give a student an idea of how much effort is expected in the assignments. The project is very easy on the eyes and fun to work through, however, the “Concise definition” seems a little daunting and intimidating to read. I might suggest to break-down that slide into different parts/slides, which will also help to lengthen the introduction. One smaller suggestion would be to have a little wrap up after each module. It kind of just ends after the resources, but I think it would be a nice touch/transition to recall the learning objectives and what the student should have learned in the module. It might help them reflect on what they’ve learned and recall more important information! Lastly, a very small thing, in the title you have also the important words capitalized but “classroom” not sure if this was intentionally done, just something I noticed. Overall, awesome class with lots of creativity! 

Identify components of the Interactive Learning Resource that might be missing (e.g., appropriate outcomes, alignment, interactivity, inclusivity, technology use and rationale, presentation, grammar, spelling, citations, etc.).

For missing things, I think just the capitalization in the title for “classroom”. At first glance I didn’t see where the video instruction line was for the “cyber security” module. I didn’t notice what type of audience this was directed for, might be nice to add in if it’s for elementary, highschool, or a university crowd. Lastly, an evaluation system that shows you the weights and break-down for the course, it’s important for students to see how much value each project/assessment is for the course.